LED Fountain Lights

Mistakes To Avoid When Using LED Fountain Lights

LED fountain lights are a simple way of elegantly improving the aesthetics and beauty of your fountain. Fountain lights are popular for their efficiency and waterproof characteristics. We all know that electricity and water are a deadly combination that generates electric shock, so you need LED fountain lights that are waterproof and mitigate electric shock risks for safety and to extend the life of your lighting fixtures. LED lights are also energy-saving, allowing you to conserve electricity and lower your monthly electric bills.

LED fountain lights are also available in a wide range of colors, and you will not require any light “caps” or filters when using them. You can also add visual character to your property’s water feature with LED fountain lighting kits. These lighting fixtures are highly durable, and you can rest assured they are not affected by the number of times you turn them on and off or the constant splashing of water. To ensure your fountain light kit lasts for years, there are a few mistakes you should avoid to prevent leaks and loss of your money. Keep reading to see some of these mistakes.

LED Fountain Lights

Read More: 4 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing an Outdoor Water Fountain

User Error During Installation

When your LED fountain lights are erroneously installed, or mistakes are made during the installation process, it can result in leaks, even in cases where the lighting solutions are waterproof. One common problem that property owners experience, especially with DIY lighting projects, is misaligned parts. All parts must be properly aligned before and during your lighting fixture installation. That means that, for instance, if your lighting has a screw-on design, you need to screw it securely into place to ensure no gaps exist between the lens and gasket.

Choosing the Wrong Base for Your Underwater Lighting Solutions

Although choosing waterproof submersible lighting is essential, you must also select base materials that will withstand staying in water for hours or days. The best base materials for underwater fountain lights and ponds are stainless steel and brass. These materials will hold up excellently when submerged in water. To protect your peace of mind, always go for base materials with a warranty or guarantee against rust and corrosion, which applies to your LED fountain lighting kits.

LED Fountain Lights

Buying Low-Quality LED Fountain Lights

If you want your fountain lights to serve you for years, you must go for quality products. With poor-quality fountain lighting kits, you will keep replacing them frequently, which can be expensive in the long run. With quality water-resistant fountain lights, water will struggle to get into your lighting fixtures because they are highly waterproof. Always go for those with silicone or rubber gaskets because they are pliable, flexible, and offer an excellent seal. Ensure they also have resin potting, an additional layer of defense against any water penetration. Lastly, go for machined materials because they have a specially aligned design that ensures your lighting fixtures are waterproof.

Fountains are extremely beautiful at night compared to daytime, and you can use LED fountain lighting kits to make them an eye-catching focal point of your home or business. Fountain lights can be the perfect addition for those who love entertaining or spending more time outdoors during the night. Choosing the best LED fountain light is as essential as picking the right location and angle. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can get the best outdoor lighting for your fountain and make it a highlight of your property.

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